The theme for this weeks’ post requires a certain level of introspection that we often try to run away
from. It is what I refer to as the “Personal Olympics” where although one finds themselves in a state of
transition; grappling with reconciling past goals with the present whilst trying to prepare themselves
for the future.

The pandemic without a doubt will have an impact on how we continue to do business. The pandemic further highlights how redundant and how slow businesses are to change and innovation. While the president introduced the Fourth industrial revolution to South African shores it has become increasingly evident that we still lag behind other countries. In efforts to become more digital; companies should be researching ways around ensuring and maintaining good productivity levels while working from home as opposed to having physical presence.
The Quantity Surveying industry is a very reactive industry and should be looking at adopting adequate tools and soft wares to ensure quick turnaround time and efficiency. I think back to the days where we had to measure with a scale ruler and dimension paper and I immensely grateful for soft wares that allow us to work quicker and more efficiently.
There are many platforms that allow for integration and interaction amongst colleagues which have been found to be highly effective. Most of my clients are stating how easier it has become to have a virtual meeting –that all along all our meetings could have been done via an email/ online meeting. Companies should embrace the new normal and navigate methods to sustain the business while ensuring employees wellbeing. If you have no employees no work
will be done. It’s unfortunate and absolutely unfathomable to think that if one person contracts the virus then that whole company has to stop operation and over above have individuals self-isolate in their own homes.
At this time it’s best to stay home and find productive methods in ensuring deadlines are met. New strategies across the board should be formulated so as to ensure that business keeps running. New health and safety guidelines should be put in place to prevention infection on sites. The question is will there be a need in the near future to build commercial buildings? Seeing as COVID 19 has left many researchers uncertain and without a cure/vaccine. Construction companies need to gear into needed sectors such as Agriculture, Public service buildings, research facilities even health and safety as opposed to the norm.