Staying connected on a professional level:
Microsoft teams has been very helpful in allowing me to be able to attend meetings, replacing the physical meetings with video and audio calls. This has been helpful on both a professional and a personal level. I have kept up email communication with most of my project stakeholders as this makes it possible to keep track of all shared information.
I have also discovered staying in touch with various stakeholders and client representatives through social media platforms and personal telephone calls. I have also found leverage on the power of Whatsapp and LinkedIn as I have found out that more people are always available online during lockdown. The type of communication that I use is also dependant on the specific individual as some people tend to prefer text-based communication over any other, while some still prefer a more personal phone call, besides during this time people are longing for human interaction.
Staying connected on a personal level:
Whataspp, Facebook and telephone calls have been my 'go-to' ways of communication to get hold of friends and family members during the lockdown. Whataspp video calls and sharing lockdown jokes and updates via different social media platforms has been very helpful for my mental wellbeing. TikTok has also managed to keep the humour alive between my friends and I. Family group video chats are one of the special moments I look forward to during these times.