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Who I look up to as a role model in the Built Environment by Otto von Zwietring

Who do you look up to as a role model in the Built Environment and why? If you are not familiar with anyone that you know you are allowed to do research and then spot one person that holds your interest and tell us why.

Well, this list can be quite a lengthy one, therefore I am not going to pin point one individual as a role model.

For me, any business owner in the Built Environment (whether it be a professional consulting or a contracting business) is a role model to me. Every entrepreneur employing people and helping to improve or uplift individual’s lives and their families is a role model in my eyes.

Out of past experience I know very well that starting a business and running it to make ends meet is a real challenge in the current economical state, not even to mention making a profit. Hats off to all the business owners out there. Keep on fighting the good fight!!

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